LDAP Functionality

LDAP Functions

Asset Creation and Management

Create Asset: This feature, controlled by the ADMIN, enables the creation of an asset and the setting of a supply cap for that asset. This is an admin-exclusive functionality.

Update Asset Cap: ADMINs can use this feature to adjust the quantity of NFTs for a particular asset. This function is also restricted to admins.

Minting, Claiming, and Burning Units

Mint Units: This feature allows ADMINS, HANDLERS, or USERS with valid signatures to mint NFTs to the contract or to a specific wallet.

Claim Units: USERS with a valid signature can claim units from the contract.

Return Units: ADMIN can retrieve NFTs from a specific wallet using this feature. This is an admin-exclusive functionality.

Burn Units: This feature allows the ADMIN to burn NFTs owned by the contract or the ADMIN.

Whitelist Management

Whitelist: The ADMIN can enable or disable a whitelist for transfers and add or remove users from the whitelist. The WHITELISTER role also has the ability to add or remove users from the whitelist.

Administrative Controls

Pause/Unpause: This feature allows the ADMIN to pause or resume the claim and mint unit functionalities for users.

Set Name and Symbol: The ADMIN can change the name and symbol of the NFTs using this feature.

Enable/Disable Features: The ADMIN can enable or disable various functionalities, including new issuance, transfers, burns, name/symbol changes, and return units. They can also choose to lock these settings permanently, preventing future changes.

Last updated